Cybersecurity and Remote Work

The last few years have shown us that providing opportunities for working remotely is a workplace necessity, and it’s one that many employees are embracing in this post-pandemic world. 

Though IT managers have worked to set employees up for success with portable technology and remote logins, there remains a viable threat to many networks.  With that in mind, there are a few steps you can take to reinforce the security of your network and your business assets if you haven’t already.

  • Implement MFA: Multifactor authentication is a vital way to ensure that those logging in on are who they say they are.

  • Limit access: Least privilege access is designed so that only people who need access have access.

  • Update devices: Institute an IT protocol so that all devices that touch your network are updated with the latest programs and security.

  • Protect with VPN: A virtual private network (VPN) can help protect traffic to and from your assets by encrypting data.

  • Use a password manager: Employees will be less likely to forget or compromise their access if it’s all in one place.

  • Revisit your cyber coverage: Given that cyber-attacks have risen 238% since 2020, it’s important to recognize that a cyberattack could very well happen, even if you take all of the necessary steps.

There is so much more information we can share on cyber risk as technology continues to expand. If you would like for one of our agents to take a look at whether your current coverage provides adequate protection for your business, don’t hesitate to give us a call or send us an email.



FYI If You Hire Subcontractors


EPLI: Employment Practices Liability Insurance